How to go from ba-hum-bug to fa-la-la.

The holidays are a struggle. It is overwhelming to be jolly all the time, to hear Christmas music play and the anxiety of how you are going to afford to buy for all the people in your family. The desire to connect with people you love who always seem to be busy, far away, sick, or no longer alive. I miss the simplicity of childhood when we saw our cousins every year for Christmas and when we got gifts for people it was with our parents money. The joy came because we didn’t have school, there weren’t a lot of chores because it was winter and you could use the excuse to stay inside. This Christmas I have been emotional, sad for people who are going through horrible news of cancer. I get mad when my kid is sick all week and there is nothing I can do to make it get better. The inconviences that arise and just get you all in a grumpy bah-hum-bug kind of mood.

Then God gives you a glitter of hope, a dash of greatfullness, a sprinkle of cheer. These past few years I have been overwhelmed with joy getting to know more and more about how wonderful people helped shape my husband. How specific people were placed in my husbands life at just the right times. I love hearing stories about those people, meeting those people and then thanking God for those people. It then makes me think of the people who shaped my life. People who impacted my life at the right times. I want that for my kids and I am happy to say they have already had quite a few amazing people influence their life to follow Jesus.

So when I let Satan distract me with sadness, envy, jealousy, sickness and all things icky…I am thankfully reminded that though this world is not my home, Jesus came to this World and also went through all the heartache and pain that I experience. He came though to save us from this world so that I could one day leave it to be with him in paradise. So I get it when people are grumpy, sad, suicidal, egoscentric, greedy, jealous and many other feelings this time of year…because it has become less about JESUS’ birth and more about the world and what makes people feel good. But those things and feelings are temperary…when the kids get what they want for Christmas and a week later whine about getting something else.

This holiday I want to be intentional to show Jesus to people just like people did to Matt and I. In order to do that though I have to fill myself up with Jesus everyday. I have to worry less about me and more about others. I need to show Jesus through my actions and my words, this time of year more than ever. Jesus is the best gift ever given and some people have treated this gift like a white elephant gift. Think about who has impacted your life and how that has shaped you into who you are today. Have you paid it forward? Merry Christmas!


Following a prompt

We moved to Grand Rapids in August and had temporary housing that placed us next to a school that our kids would attend. I got a job for a school across town about 30 minutes away. We were in a situation where it was hard to make new friends. We tried at church and although contacts were exchanged we hadn’t really been able to do much more than maybe go out for a meal. The kids wanted friends over but we didn’t know who these kids were or who their parents were. It was hard for all of us to connect.

Now we are in our new house and it is really cold so you don’t really see many people out because of that. However, our kids were given a great idea at a recent event for kids at the church. They were given a cookie mix and were encouraged to make it and share it. So last weekend we did just that we made cookies and the kids had a great idea (with the help of Matt) to deliver cookies to our neighbors. I helped make them with the kids but then I tried to get out of actually going with them and wanted to just make Matt.

But we all went and the first few houses were very awkward but good to formally meet who we would be doing life with. Then something great happened we met families with kids and then they showed us who the other families with kids were. Then after a few more houses and only two bags left to hand out something amazing happened. One of the families came back outside with their kids and started to play and then two more and so while the adults were able to talk the kids had a blast making new friends.

God is amazing at prompting us to do uncomfortable things. I find that lately everything is uncomfortable but if I listen to His prompting either through my husband, kids or even coworkers good things will come of it.

So as we go into this time of holidays and time with family, take the time to listen to the holy spirit as he is always working and won’t ever let you down.