Back to school

Well I will be starting school again. Never thought I would be staying that, let alone doing it in Uganda. I am going to start online courses to obtain my teaching license. I have one year to study and complete two tests plus a written exam at an approved testing site. This process is already an answer to praying questions. Questions like, what am I going to do for schooling for my kids? Answer, meet neighbors on a social sight, found out where they sent their child, checked it out, opportunity for me to volunteer twice a week, allowing for tuition to be waived for Jacob. Jacob loves it, so do I. Next question, how do I continue being able to volunteer without a Visa? Answer, find a way to earn my teaching certificate. How do I go back to school? Where? How do I pay for it? Answer, ask questions, get answers and be blessed by an investment. It feels good to be invested in, it also is terrifying to face the fact I could fail.

Prayer works and God is answering those questions I have each moment, not all at once but bit by bit he is showing himself to me and his will for my life. Opportunities are in my future, God has placed me on a path, a journey and it’s me to listen and follow his voice. I turned 25 in Uganda and now I am turning 32, hard to believe that this is the journey that God wanted me to follow. Pretty cool how God has shaped me and molded me into who I am today. It was in Uganda that I found my real passion for teaching, I have always worked in roles where I was teaching, but never as a “teacher”. Now I am brushing up on my skills and am ready to take on the title. Very excited for what is in store in my future and the lives that I will get to impact for His glory.


Settling In

As some of you know we have been waiting “un-patiently” for our shipment of three pallets that we sent in May to Uganda. Well after much stress and craziness the shipment is finally here. I will spare you the details of the entire crazy process. So since Monday we have been sorting and settling in. Today it hit me the most that wow we are in our new home. It’s crazy how “your” stuff can make a house a home. I love it, pictures on the walls, books on shelves, even the toys for our kids that have already been strung out all over the house. It is also a bit scary, we have been here in Uganda for only 4.5 months, but it does seem a lot longer. It brings a feeling of home away from home, but it also makes me miss home a bit.

It is definitely a weird feeling.

Now that the house is feeling more like home the next task is to re-organize the ministry center/office. I bought stickers and colored them and will be using them to organize the books. Our kids have a tough time with putting things back how they found them as well as picking books at their reading level. The idea is to color code the books so they can put them back on the matching colored shelf, as well as follow the color codes to pick books at their level. It is wishful thinking I am sure, but my organizational and a little bit OCD self loves the idea. The other big task is to go through the shoes for football (soccer). Again, I am going to organize them by size and then they are getting numbers put on them to keep them organized. I also might have the kiddos that regularly “earn” boots to borrow have specific shoes that they wear. It may help with keeping them from getting ruined, another ambitious thought but one that we will test out.

Jacob has been settling in to a great routine of school. He is definitely growing leaps and bounds socially. Some great things that we are working on is sharing, accepting not being chosen, and following all directions. He is making friends and even has his first birthday party this Saturday. He earned his first merit the other day and he was so proud! He is praying at dinner every night, and is really thoughtful about what he is praying for, not the typical thank you for the food, amen. If he can’t think of anything toward the end of the prayer he will simply say, “Thanks for everything else.” So funny! He is often making us laugh and is still our little firecracker.

Parker is also adapting to spending a day with our neighbors and friends who have a 3 year old who she loves playing with. Innocently she refers to Emily (their mother) as her “new” mom. So funny, because we always just refer to Emily as Seth and Simon’s mom so she thinks that must just be her name. The past few days she has been fighting a fever and sore throat so keep her in your prayers that it will clear up once and for all as it keeps coming and going.

We said farewell to our “Muzungu” friends today as they head back home to Kentucky, they will be missed. We are thankful for our neighbors and new friends for the blessing they have been, the friends to our kids, and the sense of family that they bring to our lives. We are truly blessed and feel the love as we have gotten some lovely care packages from family, and enjoy skyping weekly. God is good and we are still settling in but we know that this is where we are meant to be at this time and for this season in our lives. God is always blessing us and keeping us motivated to continue to make His name known in this world.


Too ambitious?

A little too ambitious

Do you ever find yourself having a million different ideas, but then end up feeling like you will never get to accomplish any of it? I dream big and I don’t think that I have too out there of ideas, just too many ideas for one person to achieve. I could achieve most of them if I had the capital it took to start them, I believe they are great dreams, just need someone else to believe in them too.

I think there are others out there like me who have great dreams, but don’t know how to get others to also believe in their dream to make it happen. I may not be able to achieve all my goals/dreams, but I am hoping that I can help others realize they too can have dreams and make them a reality.

I have achieved some goals I have set out to attain like finishing college, having a family of my own, starting a nonprofit, to name a few. Some goals I have now are educating kids, leading others to start a relationship with Christ, starting businesses to self-fund our ministry in Uganda. Some of the business ideas I have are, a restaurant that serves chicken and fries plus ice cream. We would train our teens in the program how to serve, cook, and the business behind running a small company. Sewing project making dresses and skirts, sell them to raise funds as well as teach and facilitate sewing and design. Start or partner with a school to start a missionary/expat school that is low cost out in our area to help those who work outside the major city to have closer affordable options, but still offer good curriculum and kids who relate to them socially. Unfortunately all these ideas need capital, an investment from someone who also believes in making dreams a reality. The other need is for our current ministry to be fully funded, in order for us to be able to continue to make the kids we serve dreams a reality.

So if you have any ideas or know any investors out there send them our way. Their investment would also be in people’s lives, not only a successful business. Sounds like a good idea to me 🙂


The struggle is real…pb&j sandwich making real

The struggle is real

I have a challenge for you go one hour without using your dominant hand. So if you’re a lefty only use your right, righty only use your left. Now try a day, how about a week, 3 weeks (that’s me); what if it was for a lifetime? Think of all the things you do in a day; add in kids and a job.

Sleeping, you can’t lay on your arm and if you can’t stay in one spot the entire night then you wake up every time you try to turn. Bathroom time, wiping, washing hand, showering/bathing without getting your arm wet and then washing and rinsing your hair. Drying is probably the easiest except if you are trying to wrap the towel around you. Try putting your hair up in a ponytail holder, getting dressed is fine if you don’t have to hook a bra, zip or hook a button. Try tying your shoes (stick to sandals or boots). Add in dressing kids and helping them with all the things you do for yourself (not to mention that I don’t have an infant).

Meal making x3 try opening any jar lid, cutting open something you don’t want to spill that is in a bag, cooking on the stove top especially flipping food over (the pan moves if you don’t hold it fyi) try spreading peanut butter or butter on bread. Cutting something with a knife not recommended. You are allowed to use your elbow and armpit if necessary.

Cleaning, general pick up is easy, but sweeping and then sweeping into a dust pan, mopping and wringing out the water, hanging and clipping clothes on a line to dry, washing dishes, making beds, racking the yard (of dog poop too). All difficult tasks with one arm, don’t believe me try it.

I know I have forgotten a few things but you hopefully get the idea of the challenge, even typing this was a challenge. Especially since my “R” button doesn’t always wok, (see what I did there) and I am interrupted by a child who wants to be held. Oh yeah holding a child, avoiding the bumps to the arm and the fact they forget you can’t do all the things they want you to do.

All this to say, think of something that you may take for granted and take it away for even an hour and you will see how difficult life can be. Then think about someone who lives without that for long periods of time or for a lifetime. Thank God you are blessed and remember to think about others and how you might be able to help them out.

God Bless and keep on praying.


Care Package

So I was thinking about what would be nice to get in a care package that we can’t really get here. I started a list but really had no real good ideas except little reward stickers and movies for the kids. So I asked Jacob and here is his list.

Jacob’s list

My own Computer

Big coloring pencils like Parker has

Pretend toy cat- pull string that makes it talk

Stickers that I can wear on my shirt


Big Hero 6

More chocolate from Todd’s Bakery


Good fruit snacks (Scooby doo)

Spiderman costume (2 to go with my two masks one for me and one for Parker)

Toy house with little people

Jacob says that’s all and Parker says she doesn’t want anything, Jacob chimes in that he will just share.

Pretty funny kid.

I was actually able to think of things after Jacob said his list. I figured I could be just as random and wishful.

My list

Poptarts- brown sugar

Flavored oatmeal- maple and brown sugar (impossible to recreate the flavor and texture)


Nail polish and remover

Foundation that isn’t just for dark skin

Face lotion with spf that doesn’t leave my face a grease ball

Glue sticks

Any good books

It is strange how I go to the mall here and attempt to find things, usually kid or craft related and I can’t find it or it is not in the budget. I was saying the other day how nice it would be to just go to Target or Michaels and find whatever I needed and of course use a coupon or get a percentage off. Granted I can get some great deals if I work hard for it and there are plenty of things that are super cheap. People have asked what we would want in a care package and how to send it to us. If your in Omaha, give stuff to my mom Cindy she works at the church so that would be easiest. If you are in Michigan then Matt’s mom would be the go to person.

Honestly we don’t NEED things but it is a nice thought.  Really all we need is your prayers, kind words and thoughts. But if you enjoy giving gifts then by all means. If you need any info send a facebook message or email and we can answer your questions there. Update things are going well here. We are adapting nicely and really starting to get into a good routine balancing ministry and life. We have some help with the kids on days that I need to go into work, her name is Jackie and she is great. We only have her for a few months until she starts going to college but we are utilizing her as much as needed until then. We have been doing lots of training and revamping things with the ministry and are excited to put into place those things. It’s been a full week with the dogs and we have had some loud nights but hoping that the barking starts to calm down. They are getting used to the kids and overall doing well. The power has been good here, water is coming when it needs to but it would be nice if they would finish with the connection to the main line. Internet has been touch and go but it just means I have to type in advance and pray it sends when I am ready. Blessings to you all as you enjoy your summer months and be thinking about next year making a trip out here to see us J. Speaking of that we do have some great things going on at the new land too and hope to be able to utilize some of the space there, Matt will be posting pictures soon of the before and after pics. Until next time, God Bless.


Introvert in an Extrovert World

If any one really knows me they may not know that I am uncomfortable in social settings. I am always hoping someone else will break the ice by talking first. I strive to be an extrovert but it doesn’t come naturally. I think most of the time I just don’t want to be a bother, to say something “stupid”, to be a bore, or seem self-centered. All my life though I have been pushed to be an extrovert, I believe we all have. In order to make friends we need to talk to someone else, sometimes being the first to speak up or we will be passed up. When dating we need to get out there somehow to be seen and heard so that someone will take notice and want to ask more. In school we need to ask questions, be engaged when you work in a group or apply for college and scholarships. In our careers, typically you need to be able to communicate and seem interesting enough to those who are hiring, otherwise the other candidate is chosen. You get my point.

So here in Uganda I have been challenged again to be the extrovert I am not naturally gifted with. I have also seen it with my kids, they have people every day coming up to them talking to them and trying to get them to talk or play. I think that after the initial stranger danger, and especially if you don’t speak but just smile and keep some space; Parker will be all over you within minutes. She will talk your ear off and point out things she sees with your hair, clothes, skin etc. Jacob is hard to read, he is at an interesting age and I think though he is more of an introvert, but daring and curious so an extrovert with his actions and an introvert with words…or just does what he wants and is super stubborn.

I need in every aspect of my life here in Uganda to be an extrovert. I have to communicate to those here, and with more experience with learning the language it will be less nerve racking. I need to try and network so I literally have to say hello to strangers who might be able to help me with resources or find different programs. I need to meet people, who can give me the relationships that help me to not miss home so much when the going gets tough. I also have to be a good communicator to those who support us financially and prayerfully. I also need to reach out to friends from home to keep those special bonds and to keep me sane.

Here is just one example: Today the kids are playing in this amazing little play place at the mall. (You have to pay to use it, that’s the only downfall). It reminds me of home, same situation where there are several other parents all there for the same reason. Same anxiety, in my head I am saying, “Say something, don’t just smile, engage, ask the safe questions, like how old is your kid?” It just doesn’t come naturally to me, I always feel weird, and think well if they cared to talk they would, what if they really don’t want to be bothered, or they are already in a conversation, what interesting things do I have to say?… Normally at home in the states I would literally only speak when spoken to, and I know I missed out on some potential opportunities for friendships, resources, conversation, Godly witness, wisdom…. So here I have really challenged myself to say hello, ask the icebreaker questions, and just go with it…who knows if I will ever see them again and if I do then it won’t be as awkward that next time. I hope with this attitude I can be an encouragement and be encouraged (I am totally ok with benefiting from sticking my neck out there).

All that to say, I have to rely on God A LOT for A LOT of things, even some things that would come naturally to others. I would also add that even extroverts would have a hard time with the life of a missionary. I will keep you posted on how I do with all those new relationships that I know God has in store for me.


Tell me about yourself…

I was thinking about the way that we talk to each other, how we get to know each other. Could we be more open-ended and less controlling when we ask? I was trying to think of the best intro question and I thought that if we simply said, “Tell me about yourself.”

How many times have you been asked something and you feel like they are placing you in a category that you have to only talk about that one subject. As a mom sometimes we only talk about our kids and don’t even say anything about ourselves. Sometimes we feel led to only talk about our successes or current victories. As those close to me have gone through loss, your question could make them have to talk about the child they lost, or the divorce they are trying to avoid, the job struggles, or other uncomfortable subjects.

Tell me about yourself…my name is Brecka Lyn Arnett and I am happy today. I love Jesus and make a conscious effort to try to follow him everyday. I have been married for 8 years to the man that has the same passion of missions that I do. I have two children Jacob and Parker who both inherited our looks and our stubbornness and hopefully our passion to help people. I have worked for 25 out of 31 years to grow as a Christian and a human being. I am moving to the country that I fell in love with to share my experiences and my knowledge to help shape the lives of the future. I choose to make sacrifices for the sake of the Great Commission and to follow what God has placed on my heart.

That just scratches the surface of who I am because each day I am growing and changing. My life can change in an instant, for better or for worse. If you asked me the same question in a day, week, month or year some of my answers may change. However, one of the answers that will never change is that I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.

Tell me about yourself…

Really I would love to hear your side of your story.



Lets Get Acquainted

I have been wanting to do this for a while but due to the craziness of life, a full-time job, mother of a toddler, wife, and expecting baby #2 it took a few weeks to get it all set up. I am hoping that this blog will be inspirational, thought-provoking, funny, and relate-able.

Some background

I am almost 30 11-6-83 I have been married almost 7 years 10-7-06 to my wonderful husband Matt. We have two kids Jacob who is two on July 4 and Parker born May 20.

I was raised in Nebraska went to college in Bolivar Missouri at Southwest Baptist University and have a degree in criminal justice and upper level sociology. I have been a social worker  and most recently was a child behavior specialist. However my proudest work was as a missionary in Uganda which started in my second year of marriage and is still ongoing. Matt and I started Rising Star Ministries to help the children in Uganda change their future and ending poverty by starting early, teaching creatively, aiming high, and reaching potential.

I am looking forward to  sharing my life  with you.